Wahat Al Rayaheen Third Private Kindergarten is a distinguished educational institution located in Al-Yamamah district in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The kindergarten offers educational programs for children at the preschool level, following the Saudi curriculum. Tuition fees start from 6,000 Saudi Riyals. The kindergarten features comprehensive educational and sports facilities, including play areas and activity classrooms, contributing to children's physical and intellectual development. It also offers various activities aimed at developing creativity and imagination in children.
To be a leader in providing an outstanding educational environment, focusing on comprehensive child development using innovative educational methods.
To provide distinguished education based on moral values and enhance children's creative thinking and independence capabilities through a safe and supportive environment.
- Providing a safe and stimulating educational environment - Developing basic skills (linguistic, motor, social) - Promoting values and ethics (cooperation, respect, responsibility) - Offering diverse educational programs including arts, sports, and sciences
AvailableKG 1
AvailableKG 2
AvailableKG 3
games playground
activities classes
- Convenient location in Riyadh, Western Naseem district
- Educational stages from nursery, KG1, KG2, to KG3
- Comprehensive curriculum based on Saudi system focusing on language, religious, and cultural skills
- Integrated facilities including sand playground, play areas, activity classrooms
- Reasonable fees for services provided
- Safe and integrated environment for your child
- Qualified educational staff for handling children
- Saudi national curriculum for Arabic language, Islamic education, and mathematics
- KG1: Focus on sensory and linguistic skills through play and interactive activities
- KG2: Development of early academic skills in Arabic and English, plus social skills
- KG3: Preparation for elementary school through basic concepts in math, science, and languages
- Simplified English language program suitable for children's level
Yes, there are some mixed classes.
- Educational activities focusing on skill development and character building
- Recreational activities including closing ceremonies, competitions, and motivational events
Yes, transportation services are provided. Tuition fees start from 6,000 Saudi Riyals.
- Classrooms
- Activity rooms
- Play areas